What does Full-Service mean?

It simply means that Caryatid is capable of handling all aspects of the project, from conception through construction observation.

  • Pre-Design is all about Caryatid Architecture getting to know you and your project. If you are planning a renovation, we study and document the existing space; we research applicable codes and requirements; and we learn about you and your goals for the completed space.

  • Schematic Design is for exploring all the options we can come up with. No idea is a bad idea—they all help us find our way to the perfect design concept.

  • With a design concept chosen, Design Development is when the concept starts to become real. Adding dimensions, materials, and consultants (like engineers) to the project helps us to realize the final look and feel of the design.

  • This is where the nitty-gritty happens. It’s time to turn the thoughtful design into an accurate and buildable drawing set.

  • Construction of a project can be daunting. Should you wish, Caryatid can provide full Construction Observation services, checking in regularly on the jobsite and making sure your vision is executed successfully.

Design Services

  • Feasibility Studies

  • Master Planning

  • New Construction

  • Renovations / Additions / Adaptive Reuse

  • Programming

  • Concept Studies

  • Life-Safety and/or Accessibility Analysis

  • Sustainability Consulting

Project Advisory Services

  • Owner’s Representation / Owner’s Project Management

  • Design Management

  • Subject Matter Expertise: Architecture

  • RFP Development